
UEA Colfuturo Partner Award (PhD, Masters) UK

COLFUTURO is a Colombian non-benefit establishment that was laid out in 1991 fully supported by the Public Government and probably the main organizations of the confidential area in the country around then. Its primary goal is to offer monetary help and increment the conceivable outcomes of Colombian residents to get to excellent postgraduate review programs abroad.



COLFUTURO recipients.

Candidate’s identity/nation of home should be Colombia.

Should be Colombian postgraduate understudies enlisted at UEA.


Under the UEA/COLFUTURO arrangement, new COLFUTURO recipients selecting at UEA from September 2020 onwards, may profit from the accompanying UEA educational expense decreases:


One experts understudy COLFUTURO recipient each year might be selected by COLFUTURO for a 100 percent UEA educational expense grant.


Any remaining UEA aces COLFUTURO understudies will profit from a 25% UEA educational expense markdown.


PhD COLFUTURO understudies might profit from a 20% educational expense rebate from every time of study for as long as three years.



COLFUTURO recipients selecting at UEA from September 2020 onwards. One experts understudy COLFUTURO recipient each year might be named by COLFUTURO for a 100 percent UEA educational expense grant.

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